Beta 1.0 released!

Extremely exciting news, I've finally done enough work to release the game in its Beta state! This adds 40,000 more words of content onto Alpha 1.2, and is the first version of the game you can actually complete! Some of the new stuff in this version:

- Added the last and deadliest dungeon in the game

- Added a completion percentage that is displayed when you finish the game

- Added volume control for when sounds start to be included

All in all I'm very happy with this version, it still needs a lot of work but it's come a long ways from when I started! Some things I plan to add in future versions:

- More item interactivity, more things to use your items on in the overworld

- More party interactivity, as it stands the followers mostly just kind of hang around you and make comments on what's happening

- Sound!!! This is a huge one that will take a lot of work, but it'll make the game so much more immersive in my opinion.

Thanks to everyone who's playtested and given feedback so far, this has been a huge passion project of mine so it feels good to have people actually play what I've made.

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